
Part of something greater.

Cooperation for a circular market.
Our group of companies consists of independent businesses and we function thanks to the right knowledge and good relationships at all levels. That’s how we create high-quality and credible circularity in the car parts industry. Local players with global environmental goals, which in the long run contributes to an industry that points the way to the future.

A good deal, a lot of specialists.
There is an enormous strength in diversity. All the companies that are part of the Autocirc group have the same conviction and drive to build a sustainable industry, but with different degrees of excellence and areas of expertise. In order to truly succeed in what we call circular reuse, specialists who can take care of every part of the circle are required. A complete circle based on sustainable and long-term principles. Below you will find all the companies that form Autocirc.

  • Dismantlers

    Alingsås Bildelar AB (SE)
    Autodemontering TT (SE)
    Autopalsta OY (FI)
    Auto-Pieces SAS (FR)
    Autoverwertung Kerstingjohänner GmbH (DE)
    Beck Export Automobile (FR)
    Bergen Bildemontering (NO)
    Bildelslagret i Lidköping AB (SE)
    Bildelslagret i Trollhättan AB (SE)
    Caréco Louhans (FR)
    Caréco Pontalier (FR)
    Coram Auto SAS (FR)
    Delehuset (NO)
    Erikssons Verkstad AB (FI)
    Frykmalm i Karlstad AB (SE)
    Grønvolds Bildemontering AS (NO)
    Jämtlands Bildemontering AB (SE)
    Kungsåra Bildemontering AB (SE)
    Magnus Bildemontering AB (SE)
    Norrbottens Bildemontering AB (SE)
    Osamyynti AF OY (FI)
    Riihimäki OY (FI)
    RM Trucks (FI)
    Rogaland (NO)
    Skjeberg Bilopphuggeri AS (NO)
    Svensk Bilåtervinning AB (SE)
    Svenssons Bildemontering AB (SE)
    Trondheim Bil-Demontering AS (NO)
    Tröndelag Bildeler AS (NO)
    Vimmerby Bildemontering AB (SE)
    Växjö Bildemontering AB (SE)
    Walters Bildelar AB (SE)
    Ådalens Bildemontering (SE)
    Östfolds Bildemontering AS (NO)

  • Remanufacturers

    Nordic Motor Center AB (SE)
    Styrdon i Sverige AB (SE)
    UBD Cleantech AB (SE)
    RE-PART Sp.Zo.o. (PL)

  • Scrap & Metal

    Rewinner AB (SE)

  • Core traders

    Premier Components UK LTD (UK)

  • Rims & Tyres

    Redox Miljöhantering AB (SE)

  • Workshops

    Bil & Skadeservice AB Berga (SE)
    Bil & Skadeservice AB Helsingborg (SE)
    Bil & Skadeservice AB Lund (SE)
    Bil & Skadeservice AB Munka-Ljungby (SE)
    Bil & Skadeservice AB Klippan (SE)
    Erikssons Verkstad AB (FI)
    Mickes Lackservice i Perstorp AB (SE)

  • Vehicle transport & Towing

    Erikssons Bilbärgning AB (FI)
    Bergen Bilhjelp AS (NO)
    Voss Bilbergning AS (NO)
    Hinaus Sjöberg OY (FR)
    Bärgninsgtjänsten Sverige AB (SE)

Where old parts are reborn

When you scrap your car with us, we make sure to reuse as many of the parts as possible.
An efficient organisation and effective warehousing enables us to respond quickly to customer demand for quality-assured parts.