Autocirc | Autocirc part of historic achievement as Scania becomes world’s first truck OEM to reuse components on main assembly line

Autocirc AB

Österlånggatan 69

503 37 Borås

Autocirc AB

Österlånggatan 69

503 37 Borås

Autocirc part of historic achievement as Scania becomes world’s first truck OEM to reuse components on main assembly line

10 oktober 2024

For Autocirc and our company Scandinavian Transmission Service AB, that participated in this exciting project this is marks a sustainable breakthrough which we are very proud to be a part of.

Milestone gearbox ‘remanufacturing’ project consumed about 50 percent less material and roughly 45 percent fewer carbon emissions compared with making brand-new one. Project shows it is possible to integrate remanufactured components directly into the production lines of new vehicles.

“STS has been remanufacturing gearboxes for more than 50 years. It’s amazing to be able to challenge the old perception that remanufactured parts only can be used for aftermarket purposes. Today, we can proudly reflect on a period of successful collaboration, where we have achieved breakthroughs in sustainable technology. This project truly shows that it might not need to stop at just one idea, but it could become a reality in the near future,” says Ola Stålebo, CEO, Scandinavian Transmission Service AB.

The ‘remanufactured’ gearbox was subject to exactly the same rigorous steps and inline quality and function tests as gearboxes that are made from entirely new parts. It was assessed on the same test rig used for new ones, with monitoring of some 100 quality and function parameters.

The gearbox duly met all those requirements and could therefore be confirmed as being ‘as good as new’, which ensures that it meets the quality and performance standards for being installed on Scania vehicles.

“What an achievement by the project and everyone involved. This remanufactured gearbox is a compelling example of how the manufacturing of heavy vehicles can become more sustainable, circular and efficient, while still retaining the highest quality standards,” says Fredrik Nilzén, Head of Sustainability at Scania.

The iReGear project took place between September 2023 and May 2024, and was funded by Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency. The project was co-ordinated by KTH Royal Institute of Technology and involved Scania Sverige and Scandinavian Transmission Service AB.

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